Text summarization is the process of condensing larger documents into shorter and precise paragraphs or sentences

Automatic Text Summarization

Automatic text summarization, or just text summarization, is the process of creating a short and coherent version of a longer document.

Two Types of Summarization

There are two main types of Text Summarization


This method does not create new words or phrases, it just takes the already existing words and phrases and presents only that. You can imagine this as taking a page of text and marking the most important sentences using a highlighter.


It creates words and phrases, puts them together in a meaningful way, and along with that, adds the most important facts found in the text. This way, abstractive summarization techniques are more complex than extractive summarization techniques and are also computationally more expensive.

Applications of Summarization

Steps required in Document Summarization

The process of document summarization involves several steps such as:

  1. Preprocessing the text